Thursday, April 24, 2014

Protect Your Pretty Face with Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Day Cream Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30

With summer ahead,
and more outdoor activities,
is an SPF 15 enough for your pretty face?

Probably not, 
but maybe better than none at all.

Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Day Cream
Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30
is a much better choice.
And it has earned the 
Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Day Cream Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30  $50
Ask me how you can get it for $15

100% Guaranteed
Now there's a way to help address the damage that can lead to sagging, deep wrinkles 
and a noticeable loss of skin elasticity.

The answer is TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Day Cream
with Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30.
It's formulated to protect against future damage and to help existing damage be less noticeable.  
Experts agree that sun exposure 
is the leading cause of skin aging,
and that one of the safest 
most effective ways to protect skin
is by using a broad spectrum sunscreen
as part of a daily regimen.
TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Day Cream Sunscreen
Broad Spectrum SPF 30 is also photostable,
which means that the formula
maintains its integrity and protective power
even afterbeing exposed to sunlight.
In addition, this rich cream
is formulated to help skin feel cam and soothed,
an important benefit since as skin ages 
it can become more sensitive 
to irritating external factors.

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